Friday Fourteen Issue 71

This week: A love letter to Asian women, damming evidence that paints Orlando Bloom as a twat and James McEvoy is a lemon meringue pie-making God, a website that lets you virtually drive around cities and either listen to street noise or tune into local radio, a new OC podcast that promises juicy behind-the-scenes goss, a long list of ridiculous videos perfect to help you procrastinate, why did Princess Diana’s hair look like that, and more.


This week, a volcano erupted in Iceland and some maniac immediately flew a drone through it

Also this week, Orlando Bloom exposed himself as a twat who needs to “earn his breakfast”, and some absolute genius recorded the article in a Cockney accent and posted it on Twitter because that’s what the internet is for

The author R.O. Kwon (who wrote the excellent The Incendiaries) has written a love letter in Vanity Fair to her fellow Asian women. It’s utterly beautiful and we feel so grateful that she’s shared this with the world (“Still and always, hypersexualixed, ignored, gaslit, marginalised, and disrespected as we’ve been, I am so fortified, so alive, when I’m with us”)

The Cut have started a new series where they ask writers to explore what the post-pandemic future will look like. The first instalment delves into everything from moviegoing to hugging and friendship and it’s fascinating to read their perspectives

This writer is tweeting everything Sylvia Plath ever ate

Love the idea of social fruit to kickstart family conversations

Who can and can’t get vaccinated right now (“An 18 year old in Shanghai can but a 70 year old in Shanghai can’t”)

Why did Princess Diana’s hair look like that?

For the past three years, Dan Pashman from the Sporkful podcast (one of our faves) has been on a mission to invent a new pasta shape and after three very long years, he’s finally succeeded (and it’s a beauty, too). He’s dedicated six episodes on The Sporkful to the long journey and it’s a ripper of a listen. Start here

The NY Times runs a regular column called The Ethicist, where experts attempt to answer ethical quandaries. In this week’s column, the British-Ghanaian novelist Kwame Anthony Appiah answers a reader who’s recently relocated from Sydney to Melbourne and is grappling with longtime friends who are expressing intolerance and racism, and his wonderfully wise response may just restore your faith in humanity

Moving into this French house immediately

Obsessed with this website called Drive and Listen that lets you drive virtually around cities all over the world and either listen to street noise or tune into local radio

Fans of The OC, this is not a drill: Rachel Bilson and Miranda Clarke plan to take us back to the year 2000 via their new podcast, Welcome to the OC Bitches, that promises episode recaps, behind-the-scene scoops and cast interviews

Pointless videos we watched this week include this woman who made an accessible ramp for her friendly house spider (did you know that as spiders age, they produce less web and lose grip??), things we did when we were young, this 2000s house anthem mashup on repeat, the office chats you’re missing while you’re waiting for the microwave, James McEvoy’s stupidly charming appearance on the Great British Bake Off, and this video of a ridiculously fast show dog


What we've been watching, cooking, listening to and reading this week...


Eating: Continuing my Hetty McKinnon obsession with this ravioli with mint yoghurt sauce
Watching: The Undoing from start to finish in two sittings
Listening: I've had Jagged Little Pill by Alanis Morissette on repeat for weeks now. My Spotify Year in Review is going to be completely skewed and I don't even care


Eating: This super speedy cheesy cauliflower pasta from Miguel Barclay (but ignore his advice about dropping the cauliflower in raw; it 100% needs to be parboiled with the pasta in salty water first)
Listening: Dimensions by Arcade Fire to soothe my brain
Reading: I’m 200 pages into Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez and it’s giving me serious goosebumps (and plenty of rage)


Friday Fourteen Issue 72


Friday Fourteen Issue 70