Friday Fourteen Issue 70
This week: Passionate, powerful words about the racial violence that keeps people from going home, five one-pot recipes from Anna Jones (including a Saag aloo shepherd’s pie that has Sunday night supper written all over it), a recap of everything that’s been going down at Gimlet and Reply All, a trick for turning a jar of marinated artichokes into a creamy pasta sauce that we’re totally claiming as our own, and more.
If you haven’t yet already, take 10 minutes to read the profile on Elliot Page in Time magazine. In challenging times, it’s a good reminder of how far we’ve come (though we’re disappointed Time didn’t ask a transgender journalist to write the piece)
We were today years old when we discovered the Good Weekend Quiz publishes their Saturday quizzes on Instagram every week. Not suitable for hangovers
It’s okay to grieve the small losses of the last year
Passionate, powerful words about the racial violence that keeps people from going home (“The women who were killed can never go home. I keep thinking about the last objects they touched in their homes. The loved ones of the victims will pause before these objects in the days, months, years to come. A child will keep a pen their mother always used, a partner will hold onto a favourite mug - even though it’s cracked.”)
Lou Ottens, the inventor of the cassette tape, died this week. Apparently he used a wooden block that was small and thin enough to fit in his pocket as the target for what the future of tape recording and playback should be
Author Paula McLain's beautiful, brave Modern Love essay about taking a vow of celibacy will be one of the best things you’ll read all week, we promise
What do you do with all the mad that you feel?
Five one-pot recipes from Anna Jones, including a Saag aloo shepherd’s pie that has Sunday night supper written all over it
Every neighbourhood needs a spider force
If you’re a fan of the podcast Reply All and confused about everything that’s been going down at Gimlet, here’s a comprehensive recap on the big ‘ol mess they’ve found themselves in. If you want to go deeper, read audio producer James T. Green’s piece titled Glass Walls, which details his experience at the company as a Black contract employee, and this piece by CC Paschal called Hidden In Plain Sight about her time at Gimlet working on a race and culture pilot as a Black woman
Can’t stop won’t stop drooling over the jewel colours in this Milan home
Vanity Fair has done an excellent expose on Armie Hammer’s pretty twisted family history and just when you think it couldn’t get any worse oh it does
Totally stealing this trick for turning a jar of marinated artichokes into a creamy pasta sauce and claiming it as our own
Turns out your weird pandemic eating habits are probably fine