Friday Fourteen Issue 79
This week: Being interested vs interesting, a startlingly honest essay on being a twin, a collection of tried-and-tested baking recipes from Guardian readers, a WILD story about white women in American attending anti-racism parties so they can bring submerged racial judgments, a LOL parody of Guy Pearce’s agent pitching him his Mare of Easttown character, and more.
Just because your early career was hell doesn’t mean others’ has to be
The Guardian community has really delivered the goods this week, with this collection of tried-and-tested baking recipes that includes an epic-sounding chocolate banana cake and a focaccia recipe with less than 6 steps *faints*
Don’t approach life like a picky eater, and other thought-provoking gems about how to cultivate a healthy degree of neophilia in your life
This story about white women in American attending anti-racism parties so they can bring submerged racial judgments to light is WILD
Do you enter Instagram giveaways? Ever wondered who actually wins them?
Mega babe Katie Sturino (and all-round excellent person to follow on Instagram) has shared an extract of her new book Body Talk in The Cut, and it sent shivers up our spine (“I am fat. It’s okay. You can say it. I can say it. Once I accepted that I was inherently, unconditionally worthy of love — and that this love and worthiness has nothing to do with my appearance and/or body but rather by pure virtue of being a human being — the word fat lost its power as an insult. I’m fat? So what! Throw a party for me if you care so much. So here’s the mantra: You too are inherently worthy of love. We should all repeat that over and over together.”)
Being interested vs interesting
Our favourite Instagram impersonator Jordan Firstman has collated his best gay impersonations for Pride Week and there’s some real doozies in there
A startlingly honest essay on being a twin (“You want your identical twin to be beautiful, to confirm that you are beautiful, but you also want her to be ugly, to confirm that she is uglier than you.”)
The happy baby pose at the end just kills us
Here’s a beautiful glimpse into what it’s like to run your family business when it is 100 years older than you
What’s the best fact you know?
If you’re as obsessed with Mare of Easttown as we are, we suggest you watch this parody of Guy Pearce’s agent pitching him his character immediately
Speaking of which, we’re crushing real hard on Kate Winslet right now and this New York Times profile gives such a wonderful window into the world of how she created the character of Mare
Sadly, this week we’ve been doing pretty much zero fun eating, reading, watching or listening as we’ve been surgically attached to our laptops but we have been baking and eating this ricotta and raspberry cake for Lizzie’s birthday. Happy b’day Lizzie!