Friday Fourteen Issue 74

This week: An ode to the Fillet-O-Fish, how the user interface of computers has evolved over the past 40 years, post-pandemic New Yorker covers, new trailer galore (West! Side! Story!), interior porn, actual porn, what it’s like to grow up with more money than you’ll ever spend, the history of the work spouse, and more.


The best thing we read this week was this ode to the Fillet-O-Fish in the New York Times, which managed to be just as much about nostalgia and class as it was about fried fish sandwiches (“As a child, I was under the fantasy that my obsession with such a strange sandwich was eccentric. But my experience was shattered when I, fancying myself different, pointed out that my parents both loved hamburgers while I, a renegade, preferred the Filet-O-Fish. “Well, I like the Filet-O-Fish most too,” my mother put it candidly. “But it is expensive, so we only buy it for you.”)

This is fascinating: How the user interface of computers has evolved over the past 40 years

We love animals; we also eat them. Why?

Over on Twitter, the artist Tomer Hunuka asked his 3rd year illustration students to come up with a post-pandemic New Yorker magazine cover. Here’s what they sent in (pure magic!)

A bunch of excellent trailers have just dropped, including Steven Spielberg’s West Side Story which is already giving us goosebumps; the new HBO show Hacks about a fading Vegas comedian; Master of None season 3, which will focus on Lena Waithe’s character Denise and her partner Alicia; and the miniseries Nine Perfect Strangers (from Big Little Lies author Liane Moriaty) starring Nicole Kidman

Tiny love stories

If you’re a fan of porn of the interior kind, you may enjoy oogling this colourful Berlin kitchen, this enormous Monsteria plant (how does it fit in that pot?!), this rug + cushion combo, this sexy dining table (oof), and everything about this kitchen

Now onto the other kind of porn. The folks at the excellent website Cliterally The Best (best name ever) have put together this comprehensive list of where to watch ethical porn online, many of which are also women-owned

Speaking of! Highly recommend giving Clementine Ford’s consent video a watch if you haven’t yet already

Every spare minute this week was spent gobbling up this excellent short story Congratulations on Your Loss by Catherine Lacey, about a woman who can’t explain why she keeps getting tickets for jaywalking when she knows she hasn’t. It’s as intriguing and wonderful as it sounds

Twitter went absolutely wild on Wednesday when a man in the UK admitted that for six years, he’s kept a spreadsheet listing every parking spot he’s used at the local supermarket in a bid to park in them all. You can see his Magnum Opus here (the comments are also well worth a read)

What it’s like to grow up with more money than you’ll ever spend

Just in case you missed it, Hannah Gadsby got married in January and wrote about it on Instagram this week, and her words made us feel all mushy inside 🥰

The history of the work spouse (“The appeal of a work wife lies in her being very much like your “home wife,” except she doesn’t nag you. Your work wife would never ask you why you don’t just put your dishes right into the dishwasher instead of leaving them in the sink — she doesn’t know you do it!”)


What we've been watching, cooking, listening to and reading this week...


Chris Breier who is insanely good at colour matching objects
Reminiscing: About high school art classes. Why did every art teacher do this?!
Listening: The Sure Thing, the story of Australia’s biggest insider trading case. It seemed so easy!


Eating: I watched Massimo Bottura make an absolutely WILD version of mac and cheese on Masterchef this week (it’s got a parmigiano reggiano broth!!!) and now I can’t stop thinking about it
Watching: Murder Amongst The Mormons on Netflix. Forgery, religion, bombs – what more could you want?
Listening: Season 5 of the podcast Highly Enthused, of course


Friday Fourteen Issue 75


Friday Fourteen Issue 73