Friday Fourteen Issue 63

This week: Six ways to stand in solidarity with First Nations peoples on January 26, an extremely watchable video of the Haim sisters sharing what they wear over the course of a week (with a special segment on Zoom dating!), a love letter to the 'errand friend', a website where you can put Bernie in places using Google maps street view (THE BEST!), and more.


How poet Amanda Gorman composed the poem she read aloud at the 2021 inauguration (“She was about halfway through the poem on Jan. 6, when pro-Trump rioters stormed into the halls of Congress, some bearing weapons and Confederate flags. She stayed awake late into the night and finished the poem, adding verses about the apocalyptic scene that unfolded at the Capitol that day…”)

An absolute legend has made a website where you can put Bernie in places using Google maps street view. Enjoy!

Roxane Gay on the last days of discord (“I am tired of reciting all his crimes, misdeeds, and failures. Trump was a cruel, petty tyrant of a president who surrounded himself with similarly terrible people, slobbering sycophants, and political operatives who knew they could advance their agendas so long as they told him what he wanted to hear.”)

A farewell to Trump, Les Mis style

Sally Rooney is writing a new book, and it’s about four young people growing up in Ireland (sound familiar?) You’ll have to wait til September to get your hands on it  

How to work from bed without getting the sack (“First, never let a work call be your first conversation of the day. Your voice is like your face: it takes a while to lose that distinctive, muffled squash of the pillow and oblivion.”)

Tiny love stories

A love letter to the ‘errand friend’ (“Errand friendship requires time but no planning. You just join someone on their life trajectory for awhile. You might get something done along the way, but the focus isn’t your own productivity. And because Errand Friendship is rarely planned, it never feels like an obligation, or something you dream of canceling to free up time to just exhale, because the best Errand Friendship time feels as restorative as time alone.”)

If you’ve ever worked in an office (hell, if you’ve ever sent an email) this video is for you

A fascinating, meaty Reddit thread on things that are clearly a scam but have been normalised by society

If in doubt, eat chips

An extremely watchable video of the Haim sisters sharing what they wear over the course of a week (with a special segment on Zoom dating!)

An utterly fascinating window into the world of a QAnon supporter (“Ms. Gilbert, 57, is a believer in QAnon, the pro-Trump conspiracy theory. Like all QAnon faithful, she is convinced that the world is run by a Satanic group of pedophiles that includes top Democrats and Hollywood elites, and that President Trump has spent years leading a top-secret mission to bring these evildoers to justice.”)

Six ways to stand in solidarity with First Nations peoples on January 26


Friday Fourteen Issue 64


Friday Fourteen Issue 62