Friday Fourteen Issue 60
This week: A brilliant takedown of Linkedin, how dating during a pandemic is like being in a Jane Austen novel, merciless recaps of The Crown from the genius at Go Fug Yourself, fried tomato soup toast (trust us), honest dating advice, an excellent goal for 2021, and more.
This week’s ‘just trust us’ is Catastrophe actor Rob Delaney talking about his son and grief and moments of light on BBC’s Radio 4. It’s simultaneously devastating and hopeful, and if you don’t already follow him on Twitter, we suggest you do
Why we need normalise conversations around stillbirth and miscarriage
…and a heartbreaking piece from UK author and feminist Caroline Criado Perez on what it was like to miscarry alone in hospital while her partner was told to wait outside
This is fascinating: The NY Times recently surveyed 700 epidemiologists on how they’re personally living during the pandemic and what they think is going to happen next
How dating during a pandemic is like being in a Jane Austen novel (“You regularly inquire about the health of each other’s family members; romantic encounters are very weather-dependent; includes many brisk walks.”)
When it comes to working from home… who gets the office, and who gets the dining room table? The astute Anne Helen Petersen on how the pandemic has increased the inequality gap between genders
This brilliant takedown of Linkedin is one of the best things we’ve read all year (“In a time when the collective conversation is consumed by the topic of human cancellation, people readily post things on LinkedIn that make them fireable or unhireable.”)
Um, an absolute genius on Reddit shared a recipe for toast fried in tomato soup (nabbed from a 1970s magazine) and now the internet is going wild for it
The NY Times asked readers to send in six-word responses to the question, ‘What are you grateful for?’ and the answers are addictive reading
Obsessed with Go Fug Yourself’s merciless recaps of The Crown
Speaking of which: the anatomy of the Lady Di haircut