Friday Fourteen Issue 54

This week: The things we do when no one’s watching, a wonderful essay from the Cut’s Heather Havrilesky on ageing “correctly”, a careers quiz courtesy of the UK government that’s spitting out ludicrous results like ‘bingo picker', the joy of the house meal (aka 'the disgusting food we make for ourselves when we're alone'), and more.


The band Slowly Slowly has written a song for those in lockdown in Vic simply called ‘Melbourne’. The music is beautiful, and the video clip will probably make you have a little cry. Hang in there, Melbs 💖

Over in the UK, the gov is getting absolutely ROASTED for creating  an online careers questionnaire that’s meant to suggest helpful new post-Covid career paths, but is instead spitting out ludicrous results like ‘fish frier’, ‘bingo picker’ and ‘holiday rep’. You can do the quiz here – we’d love to hear what your new career is! (Vanessa got ‘sports professional’ and Lizzie got ‘road traffic accident investigator’. LOL)

The joy of the house meal (aka 'the disgusting food we make for ourselves when we're alone')

How to not be a perfectionist

It’s gotten to that stage in 2020 where Lizzie’s new favourite TikTok is watching a man guess what colour paint is going to come out of the tin. Be warned, it’s stupidly addictive

The things we do when no one’s watching (the comments section is GOLD)

Our favourite NY Times column Modern Love is now a podcast!! The season kicks off on Oct. 14, with new episodes every Wednesday.  You can find the podcast here, and lose a few hours reading the Modern Love archives here

This photo essay in the Guardian that shares Covid-19 tales from a south London park bench is utterly brilliant

Last year, we shared an amazing series of music video mixes that summed up the entire decade of the 80s made by mash-up artists The Hood Internet – and now they’re back with a new video that relives the hits of the 90s. First up is 1990 – they’ve squeezed 60 of the year’s best songs into a mesmerising three and a half minute clip. They plan to release a new one of these every Thursday in October, so we’ll keep sharing these as they come out

How three Americans spent their $1200 pandemic checks

Are you ageing “correctly”? Over on the Cut, the wonderful Heather Havrilesky writes about a traumatising experience that’s ultimately reframed how she feels about getting older (“As a mother, I was supposed to have matured beyond vanity. I was supposed to accept my new supporting role in life, fading sweetly and softly into the background so that all of the men and some of the women — the young ones and the slightly older ones who’d stayed effortlessly hot — could have their good times without a rotund, inconvenient mom obstacle getting in their way.”)

Over on Twitter, people are sharing the jobs they would have loved to do if life had worked out differently and there’s some absolute corkers in the thread

Very much vibing all the shades of brown in this cosy London maisonette (+ some good artwork tips!)

Finally, a laugh-out-loud impression of the fly’s publicist from all our-time favourite impersonator on IG, the one and only Jordan Firstman. He’s a goddam genius (the fly too)


Friday Fourteen Issue 55


Friday Fourteen Issue 53