Friday Fourteen Issue 41

This week: Advice for confused white men, a sorely overdue list of ways we can support First Nations Peoples’ food culture, two writers debate shoes in the house vs no shoes in the house, a viral Lizzo video, a meaty interview with the cast of Succession, and more.


Lizzo went viral this week with an epic workout video that absolutely SLAYED body shamers and fat-phobic trolls. If you haven’t already, give it a watch (and just keep hitting repeat)

Loved this thoughtful, considered piece on whether it’s okay to put our kids on Instagram (“When my older daughter and blogs were both in their infancy, I posted pictures of my new baby and wrote about new motherhood. I found community and support from other new mothers. But as my daughter got older, as she went from a sleeping, pooping blob to an actual person, the sharing got harder to justify.”)

What happens to all the un-hugged hugs?

Finally, an article that addresses that age-old debate: shoes in the house, or no shoes in the house? (Lizzie prefers shoes; Vanessa is firmly against)

If 100 people lived on Earth, the population would look like this

Here’s an excellent and sorely overdue list of things we can do to support First Nations Peoples’ food culture, everything from businesses to buy food from, food trucks to frequent, restaurants to visit, and walks, tours and workshops

What if working from home keeps going on… forever?

Oh, just Tiny Love Stories pulling at our heartstrings as usual

Man Repeller has courted some controversy these last few weeks (read this, and then this, and don’t skip the comments) but we really enjoyed the piece they published this week asking (real-life, diverse) New Yorkers what they were currently reading. There’s some seriously good book recs, and each interview gives a fascinating glimpse into what it’s like to live in NY right now

If you’re having Succession withdrawals, this meaty interview with the cast in which they break down four standout scenes from season 2 might just be the cure

This Rachel Roddy recipe for Puglian mussels and rice is almost as good as being in Italy (okay, not at all, but drink enough wine and we can pretend?)

This is utterly genius: “I am Liesl Von Trapp and I owe the resistance an apology”

Know a white man who’s feeling lost or confused or useless right now? Send them this

The best thing that happened on Instagram this week was discovering Blackfella Bookclub, an initiative set up by Aboriginal lawyers Teela Reid and Merinda Dutton. Their page has already racked up 20k followers, and there’s loads of book recs (for both adults and kids) and ideas for supporting Aboriginal publishers. Highly recommend giving them a follow


Friday Fourteen Issue 42


Friday Fourteen Issue 40