Friday Fourteen Issue 36

This week: Dance classes with Haim, a love letter to the telephone, mundane celebrity encounters, thrifty tinned fish recipes, 68 pieces of unsolicited advice from a 68-year-old, an extremely chaotic interview with Robert Pattison that involves a new pasta invention, and more.


Get your legwarmers out of storage: HAIM has announced they’re running dance classes every Sunday for the next four weeks, and if this little video they made to announce the classes is any indication of what to expect, we’re in for an absolute treat. Sign up here

These impressions are perfection

This month’s issue of GQ features an extremely chaotic interview with Robert Pattison that includes, amongst other ramblings, his thought process for a new type of pasta that you can eat with one hand. Joyously, a writer at Man Repeller has attempted to create said pasta and the result is as anarchic as you might imagine. Our advice: read the interview, then read the recipe attempt, then go and eat some pasta with a fork like it goddamn deserves

Turns out Jake Gyllenhaal sings like a Disney Princess

The Guardian’s Grace Dent on the joy of going out to dinner (“I miss someone else lacing my food with far too much oil, or butter, or salt, because I’m just a stranger and they care little for my heart valves, but they want me to love their food and come back. I miss all the heat and light and extra happiness that you can’t really pull off at home: the sear of a very hot grill, a judicious handful of MSG, a deep tandoori lustre and laksa noodles that have been cooked in several complex stages.”)

Here’s one for all our friends in the ‘I Heart Tinned Fish’ club: the wonderful Jack Monroe has shared four incredibly thrifty recipes with the Guardian that all involve tinned fish, including a fish crumble and a spicy salmon noodle dish that looks crazy good

A 68-year-old dishes out 68 pieces of unsolicited advice (not cheesy, we promise)

A love letter to the telephone (“There’s something about the phone — about hearing my friends’ voices without seeing their faces — that invites an unparalleled quality of connection. Lying in bed, closing my eyes, hearing a friend’s voice through my headphones, I’m uniquely attuned to minute modulations in tone. I can’t see what the person on the other end of the line is doing or where they are, so my mind spontaneously invents a visual: a way of projecting myself into their world.”)

Obsessed with this tiny apartment

Thank goodness there’s nothing to do on Friday nights anymore, otherwise you wouldn’t have time to spend 30 minutes reading this utterly fascinating, meticulously researched oral history of Center Stage, and then watch the film on Netflix afterwards. Good thing, that

In news that will shock no one, Normal People had an intimacy consultant on set, and she’s shared a fascinating behind-the-scenes look into the process of getting those sex scenes just right (“So in simulated sexual content, the guidelines are never—never—do their genitalia touch. So the least your actors will have on is a genitalia patch or pouch. You could have more layers on top of that: a flesh-coloured G-string, dance belt, pants, shorts, a bandana or a camisole top. Any of those scenes where you saw them completely naked in one take, well, it just will have been for that shot.”)

Speaking of Normal People, an entire Instagram account has been created to celebrate the hotness of Connell Waldron’s necklace and we’re not mad at all

Mundane celebrity encounters

Recipes we’ve bookmarked this week include Rachel Roddy’s thrifty pasta bake (Vanessa made this on Wednesday and can attest to its deliciousness), Bon Appetit’s aptly named Broccoli Delight (the cheese!!), baked coconut crusted fish tacos, these drool-worthy crispy roast potatoes with walnut and anchovy dressing, Smitten Kitchen’s shaved asparagus pizza and every single one of these seventeen (!!) chickpea recipes


Friday Fourteen Issue 37


Friday Fourteen Issue 35