Friday Fourteen Issue 168

This week on Friday Fourteen: An important investigation into why everything looks the same rn, an extraordinary story in the New York Times by Connie Wang about Generation Connie, Architectural Digest have finally profiled RuPaul’s home and it looks exactly like we thought it would, comforting words from the infinitely wise Sarah Wilson for all the single/childless people on the planet, TikToks galore, and more.


The American writer Connie Wang grew up thinking her name was unique, but over the years came to realise that there was an entire generation of women named Connie after the Chinese-American journalist Connie Chung. If you read one thing this week, make it Connie’s extraordinary story in the New York Times about Generation Connie, the power of a name, and the patterns that form from specific immigration policies

We’re keeping our eyes peeled for glimmers

Fancy an MSG martini? 🍸

This piece breaks down the science behind monosodium glutamate, and why it’s so misunderstoodHere’s why everything looks the same rn

In what may be the most wholesome thing to happen on the internet this week, this Adelaide TikToker was looking for a group of friends to paint, sip and host dinner parties with. Now, she’s running an Instagram page with 500+ other local women who have also been seeking connections, social activities and support

You need to see RuPaul's home, specifically the disco ballroom. Truly an ode to surrounding yourself with what makes you happy

This piece unpacks the evolution of the porn wars and why they’re still trapped in a feminist schism (“Do we decide that porn is too fundamentally rotten to be reformed, and try to wipe the whole thing off the map? Or do we decide that porn is so entrenched that it can never be banned, and try to reform it, embracing what is potentially liberatory and redemptive about the industry?”)

Earlier this month, Taylor Swift announced she’ll be re-releasing her third studio album Speak Now (Taylor’s Version). The album made waves upon first release in 2010 when Swift titled track five ‘Dear John’, which spoke openly of the trials of her age-gap relationship with John Mayor (she was 19 and he was 32). Her most unproblematic ex, Taylor Lautner, weighed in with a TikTok captioned #PrayForJohn (and honestly we can’t believe this video is real). Swift’s been re-releasing the records that were infamously sold without her knowledge in 2019

A delightfully niche investigation into why so many young Americans are adopting fake British accents when they feel stressed or anxious (same, innit)

The infinitely wise Sarah Wilson has some comforting words for single/childless people on the planet (“A while back I was reading British radical Sara Maitland’s How to Be Alone and learned the origins of the word spinster: “In the Middle Ages the word “spinster” was a compliment. A spinster was someone, usually a woman, who could spin well: a woman who could spin well was financially self-sufficient – it was one of the very few ways that mediaeval women could achieve economic independence.”)

We’ve all heard of the five love languages, but new research says there’s two moreshared experiences and emotional security

Sorry for the delay! I put off answering your email until I had an even more tedious task that I wanted to avoid. Thanks!and other genius responses for answering an email you’ve been putting off

Oh so THIS is why we’re all so bad at typing now

And in other news: How to view your IG feed in chronological order, should you use hot or cold air to defog your car windows, every Gen Z parent, another reason to slay everyday, the cutest holiday ever, when you spy people on a first date is our hobby fun, when you’re trying to buy sneakers, this backyard glowup is so satisfying, this mother’s day post is perfect, this song is scratching our brains, wfh meetings feat. your dog, does anyone else procrastinate by cleaning, a summary of the speak now drama, were there no cups in the Bon Appétit test kitchen, a dentist goes out on a date with a finance bro, and every episode of Indian Matchmaking

  • ‍‍Ava, copywriter & content producer‍

    ‍CookingThis recipe for duck with rhubarb and orange was a hit for Mother’s Day lunch. I like to salt brine the ducks overnight then cook them at 150C for 2.5 hours before a final sizzle on 200C until golden. You can use the duck fat to roast your potatoes, too    


    Emma, digital marketing assistant‍

    Following: @WeirdMedieval on Twitter for the weirdest old timey pictures. I also love reading their substack for more mediaeval content

    ‍Playing: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. I’m in love already. Also the TikToks are incredible


    Vanessa, content & strategy director‍

    Listening to: The most recent episode of Maintenance Phase, about a 1996 story that Oprah Winfrey did about mad cow disease and the mania that followed. If you grew up in the 90s and remember being terrified of mad cow disease, you’ll love this

    Watching: This clip of Patrick Brammel and Harriet Dyer failing to give out an award at the BAFTAS on repeat


Friday Fourteen Issue 169


Friday Fourteen Issue 167