Friday Fourteen Issue 144
This week: A profound and moving conversation in The Cut about voluntary assisted death, the Liz Truss Sky News interview that everyone’s calling the “most cutting interview opener ever”, the funeral of the Queen as seen from the vantage of a gay sauna in London, who the Try Guys are and why everyone’s talking about them, loads of little n silly things from around the web, and more.
Are you the same person you used to be? A fascinating piece by Joshua Rothman in the New Yorker that will have you thinking about the continuity of self
Helen Garner on being old, unmarried, and happy
[TW: Death] If you read one thing this week, make it this profound, moving conversation in The Cut between writer Rachel Handler and her grandpa-in-law David, who is days away from ending his life through voluntary assisted death in Switzerland. The pair talk about death, the act of dying, fear, rabbis, how we treat the elderly, the afterlife, and what David planned to eat in his last days
Liz Truss was interviewed by Beth Rigby on Sky News this week and we can’t stop watching what everyone’s calling the “most cutting interview opener ever” (here’s the full interview if you feel like really depressing yourself)
How being nicer to your colleagues (and yourself) could help reduce your burnout (“Small acts of kindness to others in the workplace can help people feel less cynical, and might also help people feel more effective at their jobs”)
Excellent advice for how to start writing again (that could be applied to anything you’re trying to start up again after a break)
All women have a right to not be pregnant
Recipes we bookmarked this week: Beans and cheese but not as you know it, nectarines on toast, Delia Smith’s alpine eggs (so! much! cheese!), braised cabbage with a green peppercorn sauce, speedy n spicy feta and honey filo rolls, slow cooker honey garlic chicken noodles, autumnal stewed tomatoes, an eggplant and tomato dish that looks like it would be the ultimate dip, this glazed salmon, quick and easy prawn tacos, and a pad thai sauce that uses actual (not jarred) tamarind and still manages to look easy??
The funeral of the Queen as seen from the vantage of a gay sauna in London
In tech news: TikTok has banned ads from for enforcing gender stereotypes, Elon Musk is buying Twitter *again*, the Google Play store is blocking Trump’s social media platform over concerns about the type of content that might be shared on the app, Bumble’s newest feature lets you chat before you match, Twitter’s edit button is *finally* heading down under, soon you’ll also be able to tweet videos and photos in the same post, Substack’s rolled out its Android app, Facebook is giving users more control over what they see in their newsfeeds, Apple is being forced to adopt USB-C for iPhones (game-changer), and Spotify is looking for ways to combat misinformation on its podcasts
Not sure who or what a Try Guy is and why everyone’s talking about them rn? Here’s a good explainer in the Guardian that attempts to answer why *this* cheating scandal in particular captivated the internet (“Why all the fuss? Well, you see, Fulmer isn’t just another moderately famous man who cheated on his wife (those are a dime a dozen), he’s a man who has built his entire personal brand on creating content focused on how much he loves his wife. He’s a Wife Guy.”)
If you’ve been obsessively watching Dahmer on Netflix, you’ll want to read this piece on the physiological effect of consuming true crime
This is f*cked: Meet the Australians with endometriosis who are resorting to crowd-funding to pay for surgery to treat the disease
Annnddddd little n silly things from around the web… 90s gift nostalgia, how to host a mid week dinner party, Gladys Berjikilan finding out about the Optus data breach, Optus coding their data protection lollll, your guide to condolence cards, we want this bookshelf ladder, how to make big branches *actually* look good in your house, Lena Dunham is the odds-on favourite to win 2022’s worst tweet for unilaterally declaring herself a gay icon, salty starter inspo, an illustrated guide to pretty much every houseplant imaginable, how to do a media interview while being carried away by police for protest, keen to attend a Parent Trap themed birthday party if anyone wants to throw one, and the Chinese restaurant 3.5 star rule
Vanessa, content & strategy director
Subscribing: To this Substack about sandwiches
Cooking: This mini focaccia that needs just one cup of flour
Watching: The new Heartbreak High on Netflix and feeling extremely old
Reading: This wonderful wonderful piece of writing by Allie Rowbottom in Joyland magazine about motherhood and mothers and cancer and the Real Housewives and the last long hot days of summer
Lizzie, managing directorListening: Can I tell you a secret?, a podcast from the Guardian about a next-level cyberstalker
Cooking: Spring pasta with ricotta, leek and lemon (tip: add more lemon)
Maddie, social media coordinator
Recommending: These two books on male friendships to all the guys out there [“It took years of candour, bravery, and heartache to break the constraints of my own thinking about male friendship and unlock a new move of loving”]
Ava, Copywriter and content producer
Craving: These ribs
Watching: Ana de Armas in ‘Blonde’ and I’m still recovering from that JFK scene
---(Meet the whole Slice team here!)