Friday Fourteen Issue 102

This week: Why do we do things on certain days of the week, a beautiful outlook on grief that had us weeping into our keywords, why Spotify removed the shuffle button on Adele’s new album, an explainer vid on why you don’t hear much about the ozone layer anymore (it's good climate news!!), interior porn galore, and more


This week, the internet unearthed an old article from a July 1997 issue of WIRED magazine called 10 Things That Could Go Wrong In The 21st Century, and loads of the eerily accurate predictions have already come true (a pandemic, climate change, Brexit, to name a few)

Oh good, screen time is making our eyeballs elongate 🙃

Why do we do things on certain days of the week? This piece on the history of the seven-day week is fascinating (“The sun makes days, seasons, and years, and the moon makes months, but people invented weeks. What makes a Tuesday a Tuesday, and why does it come, so remorselessly, every seven days?”)

You’re not broken; the system is

Andrew Garfield sharing his outlook on the grief on Stephen Colbert’s The Late Show is one of the most beautiful conversations to occur between two human beings (start at 4.05 and watch for three minutes)

How Taylor Swift has weaponised her carefully cultivated fandom to reach a level of success unseen in modern music

In some good news about the environment, here’s an explainer vid on why you don’t hear much about the ozone layer anymore

Mari Andrew on her no-routine routine

If only employers recognised parenting as a special skill

ICYMI, tennis player Peng Shuai made an explosive #MeToo claim about a top Chinese government official and subsequently ‘disappeared’. For a nation so powerful and demanding of respect, what makes China so afraid of a female tennis player? (Shuai also joins a growing list of outspoken individuals that have gone missing recently)

The New York Times have called it: Zooming from the office is truly the worst of both words

What to grow in your garden when living with the risk of fire, extreme temperatures, rainfall and unpredictability

Watch out, it’s manic pixie dream boyfriend season

Spotify has removed the shuffle button on Adele’s new album and it totally makes sense


Friday Fourteen Issue 103


Friday Fourteen Issue 101