Friday Fourteen Issue 02

This week: An essay on ageing, three older women on pleasure and sex, what websites looked like at the beginning of the internet, sad animal facts and more.


Barack Obama’s book recommendations

An essay on ageing (“You know those people you didn’t like much? Well, don’t bother with them.”)

…and three older women on sex and pleasure (“When I was younger, sex was fun. And I was lucky — I came of age after the arrival of the pill and before the arrival of AIDs — so we had a lot of time to really screw our brains out. We did! We slept with everybody.”)

Baked coconut crusted fish tacos

Feeling nostalgic? Version Museum lets you go back in time and see what websites looked at the beginning of the internet. Apple’s first ever website is all kinds of lols.

This phonetic map of the human mouth is utterly fascinating (try it!)

Where would you eat if you didn’t have long to live? (you’re gonna want to spend some decent time in the comments section)

Do you have a house meal?

What ever happened to Jamie Oliver? (“Friends wondered if he was spread too thin, or not paying enough attention. Others suggested he shouldn’t have hired his brother-in-law, Paul Hunt, a flamboyant former stock trader, as the chief executive.”)

Women having a terrible time at parties

There’s a Dutch tradition called ‘dropping’ where groups of kids are deposited in a forest and expected to find their way back to base and the whole thing sounds kind of genius

“It takes work to maintain self-acceptance in a society that would rather you be thinner.”

A few months ago, a reporter for the New York Times sent a container of unaccompanied lentil soup on the G train to a friend who was waiting a few stops away. Here’s what happened

This is by far the best account on Instagram at the moment


Friday Fourteen Issue 03


Friday Fourteen Issue 01