September 18, 2020
This week: The idiocy of Tony Abbott exposed by a teenage hacker, a fascinating deep dive into the rise of the ‘gentrification font’, why there most likely won’t be a clear end to the pandemic, lots of LOL videos, suggestions for supporting temporary visa holders in lockdown in Vic, and more.

Melbourne friends! Here’s a brilliant list of temporary visa holders who have started side hustles to make ends meet during lockdown. They have no access to JobKeeper or JobSeeker, and many of them are restricted in the kind of work they can do. The list is mainly food, but there’s also some not-food, including masks and candles (which can be sent interstate, too)

…and here’s an excellent explainer on why restaurants can’t survive on takeaway alone (it’s quite US-centric but the same principles apply)

How tattoos helped one writer reclaim ownership over her body after multiple surgeries and decades of chronic illness (“My body grows endometrial tissue in my pelvic cavity for reasons unknown to any doctor. Even when it’s removed by laser, it can grow back. My body grows small clusters of cysts on my ovaries. The cysts cause sharp pains, and when they burst, a violence takes hold and I stifle a scream.”)

This is gold: every single episode of the Crown in a nutshell

Start mentally bracing for a slow fade into the new normal. As this excellent Atlantic piece points out, there most likely won’t be a clear end to the pandemic

We’re a little late off the mark here, but we finally watched Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's beauty routine filmed by Vogue, and not only does she share some killer red lippy tips, she also effortlessly gives feminist/socialist hot takes at the same time. What a legend

Cannot stop watching this (also want to strangely give him a hug?)

Okay, this is VERY cool: We recently stumbled across Screenplay Subs, a browser extension for Netflix that lets you stream your fav films while viewing the screenplay at the same time, side-by-side on the screen. It's like having a subtitle that provides more insights on films

Forget gentrified neighbourhoods and gentrified buildings, there’s now a ‘gentrification font’ to be worried about, as documented by this excellent deep dive into what makes a font “trendy”

This powerful piece in the Cut written by model and actress Emily Ratajkowski about not owning her own image will have you gripped from beginning to end

What’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to you? (there’s gold in the comments)

So last week Tony Abbott posted a couple of boarding passes on Instagram like the idiot that he is, and some guy used that info to hack into his Qantas account, find his passport number and phone number plus all these weird Qantas messages, and then posted the whole story (quite hilariously) online, so we can all be reminded once again what a dipshit our former PM is. Just trust us on this one

Tiny love stories

The writer and illustrator Mari Andrews has been writing these mini diary entries about the pandemic over on her Instagram, and if you don’t already, we really urge you to follow her or check them out. Her words will give you goosebumps